Interesting Research on Treatments – What You Didn’t Know

Life After Cancer People who have been diagnosed with cancer have suffered emotional and physical effects. The cancer patient and his/her family would soon experience overwhelming turmoil. Although it is an unpleasant experience to battle with cancer, you will find yourself learning important lessons in life while undergoing it and more so after surviving it. A cancer patient who has had a successful treatment no has another lease on life and will have to go through a stage of adjustment. A lot of changes occur in your life and body after treatment. Learning to live your life with these new change is something that you need to deal with. One of the changes that may come is the growth of your hair, after the balding that the treatment has caused. Suffering from bouts of memory loss and a lack of concentration is another effect of the treatment that you now have to deal with. Due to the tests you had to undergo, the body will naturally feel fatigues, and it may take a long time to recover. So, despite of completing treatment you will not be able to do the activities that you performed with ease before the cancer. If you had not gone infertile with the treatment, you can still go ahead and have children if you are still young. You can still become a mother if you are a cancer survivor at a young age since doctors are not encouraging them to have children.
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It is also the time to re-enter the social scene. Making new friends is just fit after surviving your cancer condition. It is also time to re-acquaint with old friends. Single women can start looking for a partner in life to start a family with.
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If you will go back to work after surviving cancer, you might be in for some surprises. At the start you will definitely feel unable to cope with the workplace demands. With good eating habits and a regular exercise regimen, it can help you cope with this new condition. This will help boost your energy level and improve your overall health and help you stay cancer free. In order to focus more on their family, women who have overcome cancer, usually cut down on their working hours. Survivors of the disease have learned to put things in proper perspective. If you want to prevent cancer from returning you should watch over your diet. The amount of estrogen circulating in your body can be lowered by boosting fiber consumption to 20 to 30 grams per day. Beans, lentil, fresh fruit, vegetable, and whole grain are the great foods to take. Glutathione can help protect and fight against cancer. It is the most powerful anti-oxidant in your body.


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