Brand new technologies – the new iPhone 5 – functions plus opinions

Price and Review:
The iPhone is the most popular single smartphone line on the market, with good reason; it is the latest and greatest entry in this product line.
Apple’s mobile phone features high-end hardware alongside a gorgeous Retina display; app performance and picture quality both improve dramatically compared to earlier models.
The iPhone 5 price point is the least pretty part of this picture, with the most basic model coming in at around $200, even with a contract- But what do you think of the notion of getting it without paying a dime?
If this sounds compelling – and it should; there’s really no better price than zero – then you’ll be interested in our contest.

Features and Technical details, compared to earlier version
Before we get to those details, though, let’s discuss the product you’re looking at in more depth. If you’ve been following reviews, you should have the basic idea; while it may be an evolutionary product as opposed to a revolutionary one, this new phone is one of the best smartphones on the market.
The 640*1146 Retina display is of course the most noticeable difference from earlier versions of the phone; it’s at a slightly largest aspect ratio than the displays on older models, and looks incredibly sharp at a pixel density of 326 ppi.

It will also boast a new Apple a6 system-on-a-chip, featuring a custom-designed dual core ARMv7 CPU clocked at 1.3 GHz. This CPU is designed by Apple themselves, a departure from those used in previous models, which were licensed from ARM.
However, it makes perfect sense; this new CPU is designed from the ground up to account for the specific needs of smartphone usage. The ARM architecture itself is already phenomenally well suited to those needs, mind you; after all, prior models and competing Android devices get plenty of mileage out of generic ARM CPU’s.
Still, every cycle counts; the new product features a CPU optimized for both high performance and long battery life. This is really exactly what you want..

The GPU is just as good; it’s a PowerVR SGX543MP3, triple core, clocked at 266 MHz. iOS devices are growing increasingly popular as gaming platforms, and consistently capable graphics abilities are key to that state of affairs.
Even if you don’t have any interest in gaming, the GPU can be put to work in viewing high-definition streaming video or using image editing tools; it’s definitely something that’s worth having

The new iOS
Of course, the hardware is only half the story; iOS is a tremendously successful software ecosystem, and that’s true now as much as it’s ever been.
Right off the bat, you have backwards compatibility with nearly a quarter of a million apps of all types – office suites to games, and everything in between.
This is the biggest draw of iOS as a platform; the App store allows you to easily find anything you could possibly need.

Categories: iPhone