First Generation Mobile Phones

In the year 1983, the first actually portable cellular phone was unveiled. It was first approved in United States by FCC. This technology was developed from decades and it takes 15 years to take place in the market. There was an expense of over 100 million dollars for its research. This Smartphone was very light in weight in its time and it was about 28 ounce only. It was also defined as brick phone. Size of this mobile phone was 13 inches 1.75 inches 3.5 inches.

In the end of 1980s cell phones become very popular because of the innovations in the cellular network. Now you can carry your phone call in one area and as well in other area. Even all phones were not able carry in your hand. They were just to install in the car. it was also popularly known as car phone. There were some models that come in briefcase which can hold big batteries in it to make necessary phone calls. First generation mobile phones are the earliest mobile system which was developed. These phones were used to make calls only. A person can not send a text message using these mobile phones. There was a system known as frequency modulation used to transmit signals. There was a band of 25 MHz frequency was allocated to send signals from the base station to the handset and other 25 MHz frequency was used to return signal from handset to base station. These bands were split in different numbers of channels used to communicate and each channel was used by single caller.

Frequency re use system increases the network capacity. One of the features of cell phone is its cellular structure which enables handover of phone calls while traveling from cell area to another. it changes the pair of frequency while changing the cell area. It was very famous until second generation mobile phones were introduced. As the second generation mobile phones came in the market first generation mobile phones were just like disappearing from the market. It just takes over the whole market. Its extra ordinary features attract the buyers and they shift from First generation mobile phone to second generation mobile phones.

Categories: handphone