Drug Testing Methods to Use Anytime You Need Drug testing is in demand in today’s generation because the number of drug abusers has been continuously increasing every day. It’s very common that even fields like law enforcement, sports, schools, etc., use this because of its importance. Even workplaces conduct random testing to their existing employees and require applicants to have their drug test ready as a pre-employment requirement. Homes even do drug testing methods to detect any child drug abuse habits. Common methods of drug testing: In order to conduct a drug test, different samples are taken from a person and these samples vary for each method of the drug testing. The most common samples are the blood, saliva, hair, urine, sweat and breath. In analysing the samples, each of them varies accordingly. If the sample is collected, the test will follow immediately.
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Urine test
How I Became An Expert on Services
Drug test urinalysis is the most common type of drug testing. Compared to other drug testing methods, this method is way cheaper. You can also buy drug test kit for urine samples in the market since it is very easy to use. The results are very fast and even accurate. However, there are times that this sample is considered to be invasive. Saliva test If you want to collect a sample without any discomfort at all, your saliva is the one that best fits. This is even less expensive and in most offices, it is preferred since it has no issues of offensiveness during the collection. You have the option to conduct it on-site or off-site. For accuracy and reliability, saliva samples are on top since it is very difficult to adulterate it. This sample can also produce fast result. Blood test If you want the most reliable and highly accurate result of drug test, the blood sample is yet the best to use. It is just very expensive compared to others. You can even identify the amount of drug intake in this type of method. The collection of the sample is very crucial so it has to be done by a qualified technician. This can also identify the drug use over a period of time. Hair test Hair test method is also a reliable drug test method. But you need at least 100 strands of hair from the person. This method is advantageous when you want to detect any sign of drug abuse for the past 90 days. The hair can be taken from any parts of your body and this is also a sample that is difficult to adulterate. Breath test The breath test sample is more appropriate in alcohol test detection. The breathalyzers are the ones responsible for giving accurate and very fast results. This method doesn’t require any specimen collection. Schools and outdoors are usually using this method.
Posted on March 28, 2016, 5:23 am By bosan
Categories: Employment